
 Task Reminder (Copy shortcut of this file into Startup folder)
Very small alarm like utility program shows your todays task on startup. Also you can open any time to see today's task list. Nice program.

Clip Arts
Royalty Free cliparts. Download and enjoy.
Images 1

Images 2
Royalty Free images. Download and use it.
Photo Nature
Poems (Kavita)
Some nice marathi poems. Read it and feel it.
Marathi Kavita poems
मराठी म्हणी Marathi Mhani
काही मराठी म्हणी व त्यांचे अर्थ
Marathi Proverb
Marathi Katha
Nice Marathi Stories, full of wisdom and entertainment. 
Marathi Katha Stories
Hindi Jokes
Lots of Hindi Jokes, makes you laugh every time you read it.
Jokes in Hindi
C Programs
Some C Programs to your ready referance.

Java Programs
Some Java Programs to your ready referance.
Test Typing Speed (Win 98/XP)
You can test your typing skill here.
Nice small program of its own style.
Try it and feel simplicity of it.
You have a letter printed on paper.
This program does not provide any text to type.
You can choose any letter, paragraph from books.
You have to paste some text in first box and type that text in second box.
Richtx32.ocx file is required in windows/system32 folder to run this program.
Typing test
Test Your Typing Speed (Text Mode)
Want to test your speed on Text terminal?
You can test your typing skill here.
Nice small program of its own style. Try it and feel simplicity of it.
You have a letter printed on paper.
This program does not provide any text to type.
You can choose any letter, paragraph from books.
Typing test text mode
Shut Down PC Instantly
Want to shut down your PC instantly. Then must try it. Very nice for Windows XP. Eleminate waiting period for shuting down Windows station.

Shut Down PC at specified time
As per name, you can set your time in it and leave you PC working and go any where you want. This program shut your PC at given time automatically. Excellent for Windows XP.
Shut down pc on time

Remove initial Numbers from file/folder name
(specially for song files)
Many song's files has number at begining. This program can easily removes begining numbers from selected files. You can not loose any other information of name of the file. Very handy utility.
Removes Initial numbers from filename
Multiply by Zero, Divide by Zero solved.
Some misterious calculation and easy practicle solution of it. You can find solution of unsolved misteries of maths.


Here you can find old school games, you can enjoy Bite Huwe Din here. Yes lot of fun of old days. These are graphic  mode games for Windows Operating System.

Simple number puzzle. You have to create sequence in minimum time.
Very good time pass if you hasnot anyone. Simply shuffle it and play it.

Its a combat game. You have to collect james. Lot of enemy try to destroy you. Multiplayer game. Three players can play at a time, one player choose his role as destroyer. Lot of destructors comes from sky to destroy you. You have to skip them and collect twinkling james.

Misc. Utilities :
Morse Code
Small Program simulates old Morse Codes. Morse Code means an alphabet or code in wich letters are represented by combinations of long and short light or sound signlas.
 Morse Code
Text Search
This program searches text within any file. You can use DOS window (CMD) for it.  It gives comprehensive result for that particular text.
Search Text into file.

You can find ASCII codes here. This program shows all American Standard Codes for Information Interchange on screen, Text mode utility, CMD needed.
Shows ASCII chart

Number to Character string
This program converts any number into equivallent character sting.
In Crore, Lakh, Thousand... format.
Very useful utility. Text mode utility.
Can be called by another program to utilise it.
Number to Character Conversion


Here you can find old school games, you can enjoy Bite Huwe Din here. Yes lot of fun of old days. These are text mode games for DOS Operating System.

Also known as snake game. Play infinite levels.
From command progmt or RUN window type:
c:\games\zigzag <level number>
to play .
Zigzag Snake game

Simple number puzzle you have to solve in minimum time.
Puzzle game, Shuffle
Shuffle it and solve it. Arrange all numbers in sequence, 1 to 24, One empty space provide to you to arrange. Every game can be solved.

Childs play. Hit onging object. Use arrow keys / cursor keys to play. You have to hit 20 targets, and you has 10 lifelines.
Arch game

Mail Me: yogesh@ysoft.in

Note : The author of above program's is not responsible for any damag(es), loss(es) occurred by using these games and utilities. Use these programs on your own responsibility.
