accounting+ inventory + remuneration management

Java Programs

Relational Operators:

Operator	Meaning
--------	-------

  ==		equal to

  !=		not equal to

  >		greater than

  <		leass than

  >=		greater than or equal to

  <=		less than or equal to


//logical operators in java

class lo {
  public static void main(String ar[]) {

	int a, b;

	a=8; b=8;
	if(a==b) System.out.println("Value of a is equal to b");

	a=0; b=8;
	if(a!=b) System.out.println("Value of a is not equal to b");

	a=8; b=2;
	if(a>b) System.out.println("Value of a is big");

	a=8; b=18;	
	if(a=b) System.out.println("Value of a is greater than or equal to b");

	a=5; b=8;
	if(a<=b) System.out.println("Value of a is less than or equal to b");

to compile : c:\myjavaprog>javac
to run : c:\myjavaprog>java lo
Value of a is equal to b
Value of a is not equal to b
Value of a is big
Value of b is big
Value of a is greater than or equal to b
Value of a is less than or equal to b
